Chris Woerts Supports Mark van Bommel as Potential Feyenoord Coach

Chris Woerts shows himself Today Inside enthusiastic about the possibility that Feyenoord will end up with Mark van Bommel in the search for a successor for trainer Arne Slot. The sports marketer calls the possible appointment of the PSV icon ‘an exciting thought’ and expresses the expectation that Het Legioen will quickly embrace the former midfielder.

Woerts says that he was in contact with Feyenoord director Dennis Te Kloese earlier this week, who is tasked with appointing a replacement for the immensely popular Slot, who is well on his way to Liverpool. The sports marketer knows that no white smoke can be expected from De Kuip in the short term: “No one has been specifically approached yet. So not Marino Pusic, not Dick Schreuder. Te Kloese says: ‘We are going to take our time until the end of May.’ , which takes a long time. So I think it could be clear in two or three weeks.”

If it is indeed Van Bommel, who seems to be on his way out of Royal Antwerp FC after two years, Woerts would find that an ‘exciting thought’. Johan Derksen, however, is skeptical: “I don’t think Feyenoord will start with Van Bommel”, but Woerts sticks to his position. “I think he will go down very well with the supporters. When he played for PSV, he was such an irritating guy, he was always on top of things. I think the Feyenoord supporters like that, that character of Van Bumblebee.”

Derksen hears a bit of that argument and jokes: “Chris, be honest, you don’t look after Van Bommel’s interests, do you?”, to which Woerts denies: “No, I have no idea who does that. No, I wouldn’t.” don’t want to do either,” he responds to a question from presenter Wilfred Genee. “I’m not really into the real estate world.”

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