CFE presumes investment and Sener paralyzes private investment plans – El Sol de México

The recent blackouts that occurred on May 7 and 9 affected 2.5 million users in the country, due to an atypical demand for electricity generated by high temperatures, as explained by officials from the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) and the Center National Energy Control (Cenace).

During the morning conference, they ruled out that there is an electricity crisis in the country and highlighted that in these six years of Andrés Manuel López Obrador’s government, investments of almost 20 billion dollars have been made to improve the electrical infrastructure.

You may be interested: AMLO’s government invests 20 billion dollars in the electrical system

Meanwhile, an internal audit of the Ministry of Energy (Sener) shows delays in 133 investment projects of the Private Initiative (IP).

The deputy director of Contracts and Services of the CFE, Miguel Alejandro López, explained that nine thousand 171 million dollars correspond to 35 energy generation projects, of which 22 are clean energy; Four thousand 600 million dollars have been invested in 60 transmission projects, and six thousand 200 million dollars were allocated to the purchase of 13 plants from the Spanish company Iberdrola.

With these investments, which total 19,971 million dollars, López indicated that 8,568 megawatts are added to the National Electric System (SEN), which adds almost 20 percent of capacity to meet any future needs.

The manager said that the projects are 80 percent advanced, and that with this, the CFE will guarantee 52 percent of the participation in the country’s electricity generation by September of this year.

“It is a historic investment, which has no precedent in the national electricity industry,” the official stressed during the morning conference this Thursday from the National Palace.

In addition, CFE identified 37 transmission projects that require an investment of 844 million dollars in order to meet the growing demand in the country as a result of nearshoring. These projects can be executed between 2026 and 2027, according to the CFE official.

Projects delayed

While the AMLO government manages to position the CFE with a greater participation in the electricity market, the private sector continues to suffer from delays in permits to invest in the sector.

As is the case of Sener, which paralyzed at least 133 electrical energy projects due to delays or lack of response to individuals in the administrative procedure called Social Impact Assessment.

According to the internal audit carried out by the Specialized Body for Supervision in the Energy Branch of the Ministry of Public Function (SFP), to which El Sol de México had access, until the end of last year, 37 of those 133 procedures They still did not have a resolution: 35 from private companies, one from the CFE and another from Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex).

The Sener portal indicates that this requirement is mandatory for public and private companies that are interested in the development of projects in the electricity sector.

The period established by law for the resolution of the administrative procedure is 30 business days or 90 calendar days.

The final results and observations of the audit, which were delivered to Sener on March 24 with document number CGGOCV/OEF/AEF-18/043/2024, detail that the total number of procedures entered last year was 731, but in the statistical sampling, only 174 processing requests to start an electric energy project were considered.

Of those 174 Social Impact Assessments entered in fiscal year 2023, in 103 “the resolution was issued exceeding the regulatory period of 30 business days or 90 calendar days”; in 34 “the end of the administrative procedure was declared due to withdrawal or material impossibility,” and in 16 “the resolution was issued exceeding the regulatory deadlines, considered as the beginning of the resolution period.”

It was also detected that in nine evaluations presented “the file contains the admission information, without taking into account the resolution and the regulatory deadlines, expired with an average of 109 days”; in seven “the resolution was issued in accordance with the regulatory deadline,” and in five “the file contains the admission information, without documentary support for the resolution.”

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The recommendation issued by the supervisory entity was to “strengthen the administrative process and, where appropriate, the internal control mechanisms, with the aim of improving its management and institutional performance.” This medium requested a position from Sener, but at the close of This edition there was no response.

To these projects awaiting approval from Sener, there are 216 registered on the portal of the Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE) between 2013 and this year, which represent an investment of more than 22 billion dollars.

2024-05-17 11:00:00
#CFE #presumes #investment #Sener #paralyzes #private #investment #plans #Sol #México


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