Celebrating Success: Interview with a Trophy-Winning Pomarez Player

You have never hidden your preference to win this trophy in Pomarez rather than access the N1. Contract fulfilled?

It’s done ! I didn’t think it would be possible after our start to the match (2-19). But it’s an exceptional season and to end like this in apotheosis is incredible. It’s even better than the first victory last year. It was our third match in three days, we perhaps lacked a little energy at the start, we were caught by the throat. The watchword was to run. We came back down a little, we found some serenity and we also experienced that atmosphere. Little by little, we said to ourselves “we’re back at 10 points, then tied”, and we took the match into our own hands.

Does this success erase a little the disappointment of Thursday against Levallois (83-95) and this new failure in the Nationale 2 play-offs?

Yes and no… Honestly, Thursday was incredible. We came up against people better than us. Yes, there was disappointment because we are competitors and we don’t like to lose. But the hardest part was to think about something else, to move on to another direct match. Thursday evening, we told ourselves that we shouldn’t get frustrated, that we had to quickly move on to something else. We play the matches one after the other, the objective is to not give up, come what may. And we did it! The start of Friday evening was not very good either and then we played the match we needed [NDLR : victoire 65-88 face à Avenir Basket Chalosse]. There, we were surprised from the first minutes. Honestly, it was very hard, we ran out of juice. That’s why it’s exceptional and why it’s even better. But we still have a little energy to celebrate this victory!

A first group place in Nationale 2 and the “Sud Ouest” Super Cup kept in Pomarez, will it be hard to do better next season?

Of course, it’s always harder to confirm. We are going to be much more anticipated than this season. At the start of this season, if we had been told that we were going to finish first in the group in N2 and that it was going to be a historic season for the club, honestly we all would not have believed it. It’s certain that it will be difficult to do better. But we have the group, the club and the fervor around us to still seek titles. We are hungry for victories!

2024-05-26 10:57:22
#hungry #victories


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