Campobasso Shines at National University Championships: Cus Perugia Athletes Secure Medals in Karate

After only six years, Campobasso returns to host the National University Championships, a fixed appointment for the various CUS which field the best athletes in the various disciplines from football to volleyball, from athletics to rugby, from Taekwondo to Judo. Cus Perugia has been in the top ten in Italy for years and after the medals for Athletics, Judo and Wrestling, those for Karate also come from Molise in the last two days of competition at the Palauniomol: one gold, one silver and two bronzes.

Andrea Ortenzi, a master’s student in Motor Sciences, crowns his pursuit and manages to win the title of National Champion in the 84kg at the end of an impeccable journey with an exciting final won after a head-to-head with the Cus Brescia athlete.

Silver for Fabiola Antonini, who was narrowly defeated in the 68kg final in a race conducted with attitude and determination.

Andrea Lattanzi from the Marche region, in his third year of Sports Science, confirmed himself among the best in the category in the heavyweight category, achieving a well-deserved bronze after the defeat suffered in the semi-final, which he lost two seconds before the gong sounded.

Bronze medal also for law graduate Aline Coulone, in the 61kg, who, having recovered from an injury, returns to the tatami in style, touching the most precious metal which was still within her reach.

Good performances by Angelica Trevisan, fifth in the 68kg and Sara Murino seventh in the 55kg. which crown a good team success.

Andrea Ortenzi speaks “After some disappointments and two silver medals, this title that I have been chasing for years has finally arrived. After a quiet start I managed to loosen up and impose the karate that I like. Now a little thought goes to the European Championships in Hungary where I would like to participate to complete this particular experience”

Aline Coulon echoes “This could be my last appearance at the CNU, a competition with a special flavor for what it represents all of us and for the Club I represent. A ‘heavy’ medal arrived because it came after a difficult period, between returning from the injury and curricular commitments I wasn’t able to train as I would have liked, but I managed to use everything I had to reach the podium and I’m there successful. I’m really happy.”

Andrea Arena, head of the expedition, speaks “A truly vibrant weekend where the boys gave their best in every match. A rich haul of medals and, without stealing anything, I believe that, with a bit more luck, we could have climbed higher but this is part of the game and will be a good omen for the next events. A confirmation for Cus Perugia which keeps the banner of our University high, which has always been excellent also in the sporting field”.

2024-05-27 05:31:02
#Cus #Perugia #shines #national #university #championships #Campobasso


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