Boca defines its starting team to receive Talleres: the two sensitive losses that Diego Martínez would suffer

Despite beating Central Córdoba, Boca showed a poor image and will seek to prove the opposite this Saturday against Talleres for the Professional League. However, the set of Diego Martinez will have to define the midfield in the face of two possible losses that They would completely destabilize the team..

On the one hand, the technical body of the institution originating from The Riverside had to monitor Kevin Zenon, who underwent studies and only had one discomfort. However, The coach decided to preserve him and it is possible that he will not play in the next match.

Another who physically reaches the limit is Ezequiel Fernandezwho played the entire game against Central Córdoba and that will be ruled out for this next match against the natives of Córdoba. All this would be because Martínez decided to protect these players for their last participation in the group stage of the South American Cupwhere Boca You must win yes or yes to be able to advance to the round against Potosi National.

Although Zeno appeared on the list of concentrates, both he and Equi They were not part of the eleven that Martínez tested on Thursday. In their place were Jabes Saralegui and Vicente Tabordawho would be the possible replacements for this match.

It is worth remembering that Boca Juniors will face Córdoba Workshops this same Saturday in La Bombonera from 8:00 p.m.where three key points will be put into play in the Professional League 2024.


2024-05-25 01:51:57
#Boca #defines #starting #team #receive #Talleres #sensitive #losses #Diego #Martínez #suffer


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