Blue Archers Hold Strong Position in Compound Arch Competition


The Blues seventh in compound arch

By team, still in compound arch, the Blues are currently seventh with 2107 points. Victor Bouleau, Nicolas Girard et Adrien Gontier are ahead of Italy and the Netherlands. But behind the Americans, the Turks and the South Koreans, the current podium. Our Blues will also face Mexico tomorrow in the round of 16.
Note the very strong performance of the South Korean team, which beat the world record of the category. This time HAN Seungyeon, OH Yoohyun et SONG Yun Soo broke the record from 2120 to 2126 points.

Finally in a mixed team, Sophie Dodémont et Nicolas Girard are currently 10th (1400 points). The provisional ranking is made up of South Korea (1423 pts), the United States (1419 pts) and Turkey (1417 pts).

From Wednesday, the continuation of the competition with the start of the compound team eliminations. And in the afternoon the recurve qualifications.

2024-05-21 14:49:10
#Compound #bows #open #show #Yecheon


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