Bayer 04 Leverkusen was already considered a football miracle 40 years ago

He once guarded the gate of Bayer 04 Leverkusen, now he guards the history of the club: Chronicler Rüdiger Vollborn talks about his dives through archive worlds – and his life’s work to fight against clichés and distorted images.

Mr Vollborn, even if we didn’t win the Europa League title: Bayer Leverkusen is currently experiencing the best phase of its club history. But you are concerned with the past – how does it feel to be the club’s chronicler these days?
The team is currently doing incredible things and I’m looking forward to writing this chapter and finding the photos for it. Some people say we don’t have any tradition or pride. They see us as an upstart with no history. Which is wrong. Our history goes back more than 100 years and it deserves to be recorded. This has now become my life’s work.

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