Badminton: The New Trendy Sport for Losing Calories in 2024

In 2024, a new sports practice gets a lot of attention. If it is nothing new, it is nevertheless coming back to the forefront to the point of becoming the trend to try. Fun and accessible to as many people as possible, it allows you to lose a large number of calories. Which gives it all the qualities required to become our new favorite sport.

The new trendy sport to lose more calories

According to the Pinterest Predicts report on what’s new in 2024, it’s a racket sport which is about to become the trend. And it’s badminton! Indeed, according to the platform specializing in inspirational, searches around the term “badminton racket” have increased by 80%, while those for “badminton bag” have increased by 105%. Less famous than tennis, badminton has returned to the forefront in recent months. According to Top Santé magazine, France has more than 200,000 badminton licensees in 2023. Worldwide, racket and shuttlecock players represent approximately 392 million people.

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The good news is that this sport is accessible. It can be played indoors or outdoors. All you need to do is set up a net, bring two rackets, a shuttlecock and of course, an opponent. Please note that it is also possible to practice it in doubles. In summer, this sport can also be practiced on the beach or in a garden, without necessarily a net. The objective is above all to have fun, exercise and why not lose calories.

The benefits of badminton

Badminton, like other racket sports, has many benefits for the body. Already, it allows you to work your entire body. In fact, you will have to use the muscles of your legs, your arms, your back and your abdominals to successfully chase the shuttlecock and return it successfully. You will also have to highlight different abilities such as speed, tone, cardio and of course reflexes. Enough to also relaunch your circulation sanguineboost your immune and cardiovascular system.

You will thus be able to exercise and practice one of the best physical activity. Indeed, as reported by Top Santé, badminton ranks 3rd in the top “most intense sports in terms of calorie loss, with on average between 500 and 675 calories burned per session”. If you are looking for a new sport to sweat and have fun at the same time, all you have to do is try it!

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2024-05-24 09:26:23
#trendy #sport #lose #calories #hour


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