Badminton Netherlands Announces New Regional Training Center in Haarlem

Wednesday May 22, 11:00 am

Badminton Netherlands is happy and proud to announce that we will start a new Regional Training Center (RTC) in Haarlem in collaboration with BC Duinwijck on September 1. The RTC in Haarlem is the fifth RTC after The Hague, Almere, Arnhem and Eindhoven.

Pre-play day RTC Haarlem
To scout young players for the new RTC, we are organizing an RTC pre-match day on Friday, June 21. The preliminary day is intended for talented youth players from 9 to 15 years old who already train at least twice a week at an association and/or a badminton school/extra training location.

Date: Friday June 21, 2024
Time: 5:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Location: DE-GIRO hall, Badmintonplein 1, 2023 BT in Haarlem

Judith Meulendijks head coach new RTC
In addition to the arrival of a new RTC, we are very happy that we have already found a head coach. Former top player and multiple Dutch champion Judith Meulendijks will be the trainer in Haarlem next season. Meulendijks, together with a number of other trainers, will be present during the preliminary day to assess whether you have sufficient potential to qualify for a place at the RTC.

What is an RTC?
A Regional Training Center is an official training center of Badminton Netherlands where children from approximately 12 years of age train four times a week to make the step towards the National Youth Selection and ultimately towards the S-1 selection that trains full-time at Papendal. For the very young talents (9 to 11 years old), the RTC will look at the options to come and train for a few days.

During the training, Ilse Vaessen from Badminton Netherlands will be present to provide information about the RTC and there will be room for questions. Following the selection training, we will provide feedback on whether a player will be invited to the new RTC.

To register
You can register until Friday, June 14, 2024 via this form.

2024-05-22 09:45:01
#RTC #Haarlem #start #September


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