Antwerp Giants advance to the finals, set to face Ostend in a thrilling showdown

Antwerp Giants to the final

The Antwerp Giants have defeated Limburg United after all. The Limburgers had a miraculous escape on their own turf on Wednesday, but in the decisive fifth match in Antwerp the difference was clear: 76-64.

Limburg hung on well until halftime, but then the Giants turned on the engine and never looked back. Rasir Bolton became top scorer with 28 points.

So, just like last year, we get a final between Ostend and the Antwerp Giants. Can the Giants keep Ostend from a 13th title in a row?

2024-05-24 19:59:11
#Antwerp #Giants #settle #Limburg #United #5th #match #title #final #reissued #year


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