Andreas Schicker Makes Career Decision: Stay or Go?

Andreas Schicker wanted to develop a feeling as to whether accepting the offer from TSG Hoffenheim was really the right career move for himself. The right gut feeling has now set in and the decision has been made. It will be announced later this afternoon. SK Sturm has announced an official announcement regarding the future of the sports director for 3 p.m.

Schicker never made a secret of the fact that the German Bundesliga was his big goal. Hoffenheim patron Dietmar Hopp really wanted to guide him to Sinsheim in the last few days. Recently, however, there have been increasing reports that the Styrian in Kraichgau would not be unconditionally welcomed by everyone involved. This also applies to the following. “Schicker: Firecracker throwers have no place in Hoffenheim,” read one banner, which alluded to Schicker’s pyrotechnics accident in 2014.

If the 37-year-old decides to stay in Graz, there is plenty to do. Various player personnel issues need to be decided. The squad could at least be facing a small shake-up, unless the Champions League is attractive enough for one or two players to at least postpone the planned next step. This could of course also have been a possible motive for Schicker himself in making the decision.

2024-05-23 11:40:00
#Sturm #clarity #today #future #Andreas #Schicker


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