Alonso, demanding with Aston Martin: “We have to raise the level”

Fernando Alonso He arrived at the Enzo and Dino Ferrari Racecourse in Imola with a smile and confessed that he is eager to test the improvements that Aston Martin incorporates this weekend. However, he has raised the bar for himself with the Silverstone team.

“The improvements are less than what is published, every time something is brought to the circuit, I read that there is a new Aston Martin. There are new things here in Imola, but we also take them to Japan, Jeddah or Bahrain and we are where we are, we compete against very strong teams and it will be easy for us to insert ourselves among the four of them, but I hope we can get closer. I hope it will be a good step,” said the Asturian, who has advanced that. “in Monaco, Canada or Barcelona there will also be new pieces and little by little we will try to progress.”

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Fernando has recognized that this season is “extremely challenging to develop the car and find these small differences. “Sometimes two tenths are needed, other times eight, depending on the circuit, we will see if all the new parts we bring work in Ímola.”

“It all depends on how we adapt to the track, In Miami we were confident and we were far behind, here we need a clean weekend to understand the new pack we bring and knowing whether or not we can fight for podiums or big things” said Alonso, who keeps the pressure on Aston Martin: “If we want to fight for podiums we have to raise the level. The key is to be consistent throughout the season rather than having a big improvement in a big prize or at a certain time. Our car is better than last year and so is the progress, but not the results, for now. “I fully trust the team.”

In a historical key, Alonso highlighted the visit to Imola on the 30th anniversary of Ayrton Senna’s fatal accident at this stage, as well as his victory in 2005 against Michael Schumacher. “That battle with Michael, who then dominated this sport, was the most media victory I had. I was young, just like Renault, it was the fourth race of the season and no one knew that we would be champions,” the Asturian recalled about that ” change of cycle that ended up being confirmed”.

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About the fateful weekend in which they died Senna and Ratzenberger, Fernando He noted that “this track will always be remembered for great races in the past, but also for those accidents that we remember every time we return. Senna had a lot of impact and was an inspiration for many drivers of my generation,” he commented.

Madrid and F1

Alonso has also referred to the presence of his team, the Real Madridin the Champions League final: “It is the best club in the world and an example for many things. In our case it is difficult to transfer what football can do to Formula 1 or the spirit of how to approach a football match or how that can be transferred to a race. We are giving our 100%, always fighting and the result depends a lot on the ball you play with, and everything. So yes, it is a little more complicated than soccer. Soccer is easier in a way. My admiration for it. Madrid… It’s not easy to have that dynasty for so many years,” said Fernando, who attended the Bernabeu semi-final against Madrid live. Bayern Munich.

And regarding the controversial refereeing decisions of that match, Alonso has been asked again about the FIA ​​sanctions and his meeting with its president Ben Sulayem in Miami after the penalties he has received this year, which have reduced him to six points to his Superlicence: “We always talk and I think the issue is still very open. We are in the process of debating more things between the drivers, the FIA, the stewards, the future rules, the future driving standards,” he said.

“And yes, I think the sanctions were a little inconsistent from our point of view. It will always be like that. I think when there is an accident or an investigation, one side will think one way and the other the opposite. This is the nature of the sport. Penalties are one thing, but on the other hand we have the feeling that when two cars get too close everything is investigated or at least written down on that page that gets longer and longer during the race. The last thing we want is. to have a touch on the track. We try to race hard and sometimes that’s how racing is. But yes, we have to make it simpler,” suggests Fernando.

2024-05-16 16:33:27
#Alonso #demanding #Aston #Martin #raise #level


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