Alberto Gamero Makes Bold Moves in Betplay League: Changes Needed to Secure Points

Betplay League

Tiredness and the need to add caused tremors regarding the payroll that was lost in Bogotá.

Alberto Gamero.
Photo: César Melgarejo | TIME


Futbolred Editorial

May 22, 2024, 05:35 p.m. m.

In a scenario of chaos, poor results and an epidemic of injuries, something had to be modified to try to refloat the ship.

He who always does the same thing will always get the same results, says a famous sentence and it is, apparently, what Alberto Gamero will apply in a match in which he can in no way lose, since he is last in group A with only 3 points and -1 in the difference.

Millonarios visits Atlético Bucaramanga, which has just beaten them 0-1 in Bogotá, and that forced them to ‘kick the board’, as the coach has done with his starting roster for the fourth date of the Liga Betplay I 2024 home runs.

Samarium presents five changes, two of them forced due to injury, at the Alfonso López stadium. Attention to those who arrive: Danovis Banguero, Daniel Giraldo, Larry Vásquez, Alex Moreno Paz and Jorge Arias. The first two changes forced by the injuries of Hernández and Vega and the other bets of the DT. On paper, a 5-4-1 or 4-4-1-1 module, with very obvious defensive precautions.

The most striking thing is the absences: Andrés Llinás, Daniel Ruiz and Emerson Rivaldo Rodríguez are not from the game. Any collection accounts? Is it due to some physical issue, exhaustion or something like that? We will have to wait for the coach’s explanation post-match.

Gamero changes the plan looking to add at any cost and betting on securing 6 points at the close of the home run. Too much risk? We’ll have to see him on the field.

2024-05-22 22:36:08
#Gamero #kicks #board #Millonarios #Bucaramanga


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