The Tigres women’s recurve archery team won the gold medal on the last day of the discipline at the 2024 National Universiade, which takes place in the capital of Aguascalientes.

The field of the Universidad Panamericana, Campus Bonaterra, witnessed the feat carried out by Valentina Vázquez Cadena (FOD), Alexa Pérez Ramírez (Psychology) and Aidé RenteríaEnriquez (FIME), who knew how to adapt to the prevailing weather conditions in the competition and thus being able to climb the podium of honor at the largest university student event in Mexico.

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Tigres win gold medal in archery

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The Tigres women’s team defeated the Mayab University team in the grand final, whom they defeated 54-46, 45-51, 48-43 and 47-47, before the excitement of their teammates and their coach, Ana Lilia. Morton. Third place in the competition went to the Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla.

Double gold for Valentina Vázquez.

In her third year defending the colors of the Tigers, the student of the Faculty of Sports Organization, Valentina Vázquez Cadena, became a double gold medalist of the 2024 National Universiade, making use of her experience as a national team.

“The competition was complicated by the air. It was difficult to shoot, but we began to adapt, react and began to improve the results. Both in the mixed team and in the women’s team we had very good communication and support dynamics, and that gave us encouragement to move forward and take the gold,” commented Vázquez Cadena.

Valentina mentioned that after two international competitions she will take a brief break in her sports career and return in the middle of the year to continue. For now, she is getting ready to represent Nuevo León in the CONADE National Games.

During the start of the competition, the first gold was won on Friday, May 17, in the mixed team recurve modality with Miguel Emiliano Celaya, a student at the Faculty of Physical and Mathematical Sciences.

Debuts with gold in UN

For Alexa Pérez, a Psychology student, the gold medal has a special flavor since it represents the success of working together and adapting to the conditions of the competition and the shooting range and there was a lot of communication between her three companions.

“It was once again having that feeling of competing. It is my first Universiade and in the competition we were battling with the wind and it was a challenge, but we knew how to overcome it to award gold to the UANL” declared the also representative of Nuevo León in the CONADE Games.

If one wins, we all win

For the FIME student, Aidé Guadalupe Rentería, knowing that obtaining the gold medal would be a product of teamwork, motivated her to compete, after in the individual modality she had been eliminated in the round of 16.

“I understood that here we all win or we all lose, that’s what a coach told me, so I relaxed and raised my level, teamwork motivated me, knowing that I created a better team in Tigres and here is the result,” mentioned Rentería who He competes in his second year representing the colors blue and gold.

At the end of the competition, the Tigers team won two gold medals, one in the recurve bow modality in mixed teams and the second, also in the recurve bow modality in women’s teams.

2024-05-19 02:59:00
#UANL #archers #achieve #gold #medal #womens #team


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