Graduated from Journalism School in Paris. Specializing in football, and more particularly on the transfer window. Fan of PSG and Stade Français.

Freely recruited by PSG during the last summer transfer window, Marco Asensio has not yet managed to show his full potential within the Ile-de-France team. But the Spanish attacking midfielder, who signed a three-year contract upon his arrival at the Parc des Princes, clearly indicates that he will still be at PSG next year and is already showing his great ambitions.

After reaching the end of the contract with the Real Madrid, Marco Asensio (28 years old) finally opted for signing with PSG during the market summer 2023. Seduced by the Parisian project despite the heavy competition introduced in the offensive sector by Luis Enrique, the Spanish international has never really managed to establish himself as an indisputable starter in the typical eleven of the Spanish coach of PSG. But his future still seems fixed…

“PSG, ​​the ideal challenge for me”

Asked at the microphone of PSG TV, Asensio went behind the scenes of his signing at the club last summer: “I didn’t want to stay comfortable, I wanted to put myself in danger. My mentality is always to move forward, to continue to grow, not only as a player but also as a man. So when PSG came along it was the ideal challenge for me. Another city, a big club which is progressing with new infrastructure. I wanted to be part of this adventure, of this team, of this club, to continue to grow, and to win as many titles as possible”, indicates the former player of the Real Madrid.

“I want to make history”

And while his contract with the PSG runs until 2026, Asensio clearly suggests that he will indeed be at the club next season despite his irregular playing time: “I am very happy to be here, to experience all of this. But I don’t want to stop there. I want to continue to achieve many things. It’s my first year at PSG and I want more. I want to achieve things that have never been done here. I want to make history here.” The message got through…

2024-05-19 00:00:00
#Mercato #PSG #big #coming #Paris #year


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