The new season of Mask Singer began at the beginning of May. If Camille Combal is still at the helm of the TF1 show, some changes have been made, starting with the jury of investigators. Kev Adams is still faithful to the position – he has been there since the first show – and at his side are Chantal Ladesou – who was already officiating in season 4 in 2022 – and two new additions, the host Laurent Ruquier and the comedian Inès Reg.

Since the filming of the show, rumors of bickering between Chantal Ladesou and Inès Reg have been announced. If the two concerned refuted it, the broadcast of this Friday, May 17 brought the rumor back to the forefront. The Leopard which had just dazzled the whole assembly made the finalist of Dancing with the Stars want to confide, certain of having to deal with Chimène Badi: “I sang your song and all the people who were eating came to congratulate me […] and when I was younger, I was such a fan of you”, she indicated. With her usual bite, Chantal Ladesou retorted: “She’s not going to tell her life story [vie, NDLR] the kid !”, before adding that she was also thinking of Chimène Badi. A revelation that did not please the 31-year-old comedian: “No! She copied me!” Unconvinced by the explanations of her colleague who explained the reasons for her choice, Inès Reg blurted out: “I’m going to sweep her off her feet! I swear I’m going to sweep her off her feet. I’m cute, TV, smile, but I’m going to sweep her off her feet!”

© Screenshot TF1

⋙ PHOTOS – Mask Singer: discover the exorbitant price of the costumes

Inès Reg and Chantal Ladesou, real tensions?

This intervention by Inès Reg made Camille Combal laugh, while Kev Adams explained, not without humor: “I remind you that Chantal is the Greco-Roman wrestling champion of Île-de-France, that’s still something solid.” An outing to which the 76-year-old comedian responded with humor: “You’re right, I’m a brown belt in judo and fuck you!” If the moment of tension ended in laughter, the rumor of conflict between the two women was, once again, reactivated. After the clash that everyone talked about with Natasha St-Pier on the dance show, Gilles Verdez indicated at the end of March in TPMP that Inès Reg would have been the subject of a “altercation with Chantal Ladesou”. Barely a few days later, the latter responded to the rumors, indicating to Parisian : “We play a game when we’re in this program. I’m outspoken, I like to attack a little bit, so we agreed that that could happen between us. And Inès knows how to defend herself.” However, specifying that Inès Reg “leaves like clockwork, with all his temperament”Chantal Ladesou wanted to reassure everyone, revealing that the two women had left on very good terms.

Article written with the collaboration of 6Medias

Photo credits: TF1 screenshot

2024-05-18 20:15:25
#Chantal #Ladesou #Inès #Reg #bicker #Mask #Singer #sweep


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