13 Billion Pesos Investment: Bogotá and Valledupar to Host National School Sports Competition

The cities of Bogotá and Valledupar will be the venues for this competition, which will have a significant investment of 13 billion pesos by the Ministry of Sports.

From May 26 to June 10, a total of 3,725 students from all over the country will compete for the title in different sports disciplines. Of these, 1,997 will participate in team sports, while 1,728 will compete in individual sports.

Headquarters and Disciplines

In Bogotá, the meetings will take place in several prominent venues such as the High Performance Center (CAR), the San Andrés Coliseum, the El Salitre Sports Unit, the Boutique City Center hotel, the PRD and the Cayetano Coliseum. The Colombian capital will be the epicenter of seven disciplines: soccer, badminton, indoor soccer, table tennis, para athletics, chess and athletics.

For its part, Valledupar will host five sports disciplines in its facilities: skating, swimming, basketball, volleyball and indoor soccer. The events will take place at the aquatic complex of the Universidad del Cesar, the Valledupar Skatedrome, the Centro Deportivo Coliseum, the Julio Monsalvo Municipal Coliseum, the Popular University of Cesar and the La Gota Fría High Performance Center Sports Coliseum.

Investment and Preparations

The investment of 13 billion pesos reflects the commitment of the Ministry of Sports to the development and promotion of school sports in the country. This financing not only ensures the quality of the sports venues, but also guarantees the logistics and well-being of the participants.

Expectations and Participation

The National Final of the Intercollegiate Games promises to be an event full of excitement and competitiveness. Young athletes from different regions of the country will have the opportunity to demonstrate their talent and effort, promoting values ​​such as discipline, teamwork and perseverance.

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With everything ready for the start of the tournament, both Bogotá and Valledupar are prepared to receive athletes, coaches and fans, ensuring memorable sports days that will contribute to the strengthening of school sports in Colombia.

National Final Schedule Bogotá headquarters

  • Soccer
    Junior: May 27 to 30
    Juvenile: May 31st to June 3rd
  • Badminton
    Pre-juvenile and youth: May 27 to 30
  • Indoor football
    Junior: May 27 to 30
  • Table tennis
    Pre-juvenile and youth: May 27 to 31
  • For athletics
    Pre-juvenile and youth: June 2 to 4
  • Chess
    Pre-juvenile and youth: June 5 to 10
  • Athletics
    Pre-juvenile and youth: June 5 to 7

2024-05-25 13:48:19
#Ready #National #Final #Intercollegiate #Games


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