Women’s football: overwhelmed by harassment accusations, coach Santos fired – Football

Women’s football: overwhelmed by harassment accusations, coach Santos fired – Football

(ANSA-AFP) – SAO PAULO (BRAZIL), APRIL 16 – The Brazilian football club Santos has announced the resignation of the coach of the women’s team Kleiton Lima, after a protest movement against the coach accused of sexual and moral harassment by part of several players last year.

“To preserve his family, his integrity and the Santos club itself, Lima has submitted his resignation,” the Sao Paulo State team explained in a press release. “Since he was hired he has been the subject of criticism and in recent days even death threats, due to accusations dating back to last year,” said the club where Pelé shone.

Kleiton Lima, 49, left Santos last September after the club’s management received 19 anonymous letters from players accusing him of “moral and sexual harassment”. The coach, who maintains his innocence, had resumed his role at the beginning of April and the club had claimed that these allegations had not been proven. (ANSA-AFP).

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2024-04-16 03:02:54
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