When Dry Skin Becomes More Than Just a Nuisance: When to See a Doctor

The skin should be taken care of, but if the dryness is already causing pain, you should go to the doctor. (Photo La Hora: Iqbal Nuril Anwar on Pixabay)

Dry skin makes the skin look gray and feel rough, flaky and itchy, which affects its elasticity. This is a condition that affects all ages, but care should be taken if you suffer from it in old age.

This characteristic is known as xerosis or xerodermia, which has different causes, including cold or dry weather, damage from sun exposure, aggressive soaps, and excessive bathing, because it does clean natural body fat.

Some people use moisturizers and sunscreen all year round to prevent damage, but according to Dr. Andrés Castañeda, you should not only do that.

Symptoms of grayish dry skin

Symptoms may vary depending on age, but the following stand out:

Feeling of tightness in the skin

Skin that looks and feels rough


Mild to severe peeling of the skin, causing an ashy gray appearance that can affect brown skin

Cracked appearance on the leg

Fine lines or cracks

Deep cracks that could bleed

Dryness varies depending on health status, skin tone, living environment and sun exposure.

When to see the doctor

Your skin starts to hurt or become inflamed.

Your condition causes you so much discomfort that you have trouble sleeping or are distracted from your daily routines.

You have open sores or infections from scratching.

You have large areas of scaly or peeling skin.

To prevent dry skin from remaining, you should go to the doctor as soon as possible.

2024-04-14 02:19:45
#Dry #skin #symptoms


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