Unusual Accident Involving Bow and Arrow in Le Havre: Neighbor Shoots Man in Garden

Unusual Accident Involving Bow and Arrow in Le Havre: Neighbor Shoots Man in Garden

It is the victim of an unusual accident who presents himself at the Le Havre police station, this Saturday April 6, 2024 at the end of the afternoon. A 45-year-old man with a bleeding wound on his shoulder and a bow arrow in his hand filed a complaint. The arrow is the projectile which injured him, the author of the shot being the victim’s neighbor. “When the events occurred, the forty-year-old was in his garden with his wife and young children. The accident could have had dramatic consequences, and in fact the complainant had recovered”reports the police station.

The “real” target, a board

Going to the scene, the police arrested the perpetrator and carried out a search of his home. A bow and arrows are found and seized. “It was not a carnival bow, but a bow that you can buy in any sports store”, specifies the communicating police officer. Placed in police custody, the accused pleads “accidental shooting”. “He wanted to shoot at a board in his garden, and his shot went off course. There was little distance between the shooter and the victim”details the police.

According to the latter, this accident did not occur against the backdrop of a dispute between the protagonists. The victim suffered a temporary incapacity for work (ITT) of five days. The perpetrator, aged 36, will be subject to criminal charges (procedure where the perpetrator admits guilt) for violence with a weapon.

Also read A party spoiled by thefts at the National Maritime School of Le Havre, the perpetrators sentenced

2024-04-09 17:30:08
#Havre #practices #archery #garden #arrow #wounds #neighbor #shoulder


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