This neurologist recommends adding spices to your morning coffee to activate yourself

There are millions of people who have the habit of drinking coffee in the morning. This morning drink, just out of bed, helps activate our body and face the day. Caffeine produces multiple benefits for our body, as long as we do not abuse the number of cups we drink during the day.

Usually, this drink is served alone or with different types of milk, but there is an element that could activate us even more if we add it to coffee. This is what the neurologist has stated Brandon Crawfordthrough a study that has been published on the ‘SheFinds’ website.

The expert recommends add spices to coffee to stimulate the brainand especially highlights the cinnamon. “It can regulate blood sugar levels, which is crucial for maintaining cognitive function and preventing neurodegenerative diseases”assured the specialist.

Besides, Crawford He has also recommended other spices to add to coffee. “It also helps reduce inflammation and oxidative damage in the brain”comments on the turmeric. In the same way, he explains that the ginger “helps balance neurotransmitters”as the nutmeg.

Finally, readers of the publication have been shocked by the last species it recommends: “Piperine, the active compound in black pepper, can improve the absorption of curcumin (from turmeric) by up to 2000%.”

2024-04-17 17:25:22
#neurologist #recommends #adding #spices #morning #coffee #activate


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