They detected more than 580 thousand expired products including food and medicines

They detected more than 580 thousand expired products including food and medicines

The marketing of expired products is the main anomaly detected during the verifications of the Authority for Consumer Protection and Defense of Competition (Acodeco), throughout the country.

According to a statistical report, from 2019 to March of this year, 580,533 expired products have been found in different commercial establishments, from food, medicine and others for use in the home.

Among the other irregularities most found by Acodeco, in this period, are: the lack of a price at sight, 29,962; products without expiration date, 27,069; impaired 16,576; lack of commercial information 7,335; products with unclear date, 2,780; they do not present invoices (Executive Decree No. 114 of March 13, 2020), 1,513; Improper use of 25-pound gas tank, 794; double price, 618; failure to comply with Law 6 of 1987 (discounts not applied), with 603 and for not having the respective signs in view, with the discounts, 524.

It should be noted that In the first quarter of this year, 27,716 expired products were found at the national level.

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Acodeco has reiterated on several occasions the importance of consumers verifying the expiration date of any perishable product before purchasing it. Likewise, economic agents must ensure that their merchandise is in good condition and with the current expiration date.

Any complaint about irregularities in commercial premises, which fall under the jurisdiction of Acodeco, can be reported through Sindi, which operates 24 hours a day, 7 days, through WhatsApp and Telegram at ‪6330-3333social media accounts AcodecoPma on Facebook and X, and the website of this institution.

2024-04-09 18:21:53
#detected #thousand #expired #products #including #food #medicines


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