The umpteenth failed attempt by the PP to win the amnesty story in Europe

The umpteenth failed attempt by the PP to win the amnesty story in Europe

Brussels The PP is not giving up in the attempt to internationalize its indignation over Pedro Sánchez’s investiture pacts and the amnesty law, especially in the European institutions. And this Thursday he once again forced a debate in the Commission on Civil Liberties and Justice of the European Parliament. However, he has obtained the same answers as always, both from the European Commission and the Venice Commission and from the various parliamentary groups.

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Brussels has limited itself to repeating what the then Justice Commissioner, the liberal close to Cs Didier Reynders, already said in the last debate on amnesty. “We are evaluating the law and we are in contact with the Spanish authorities”, insisted the director of the rule of law of the European Commission, Julien Mousnier, who had eight minutes to speak but chose to spend only barely two

The vice-president of the Venice Commission, the former Italian Minister of Justice Marta Cartabia, has not even left the script. As the consultative body of the Council of Europe has already said, it has recalled that amnesty laws are “a legitimate tool” to achieve social and political reconciliation, although they must try to approve by a majority qualified and not, for example, with the entire Spanish right totally against it.

As for the parliamentary groups, they have reproduced their most predictable positions. Popular MEP Javier Zarzalejos has assured that it is almost a “self-amnesty”, because it will potentially affect leaders who invested Sánchez, such as Carles Puigdemont, and that in no case “is it a measure that pursues social reconciliation, but opposite”.

On the other hand, the German social democrat Birgit Sippel has regretted that the Eurochamber is stuck in the day of the groundhog with the amnesty law. “They don’t stop taking their partisan battles to the Eurochamber”, the socialist MEP has reproached the PP, who has no evidence that there is “any precedent for discussing so many times a measure that is still in the process “.

In turn, the Republican MEP Diana Riba has claimed on behalf of the Greens the amnesty as a “democratic tool”, and has charged the Spanish right for “setting the country on fire” and “doing scorched earth politics” because only the “is interested in getting to power.” In the same vein, Junts MEP Toni Comín has called the entire cause of the Process a “very serious error of the Spanish judicial system” and, in this sense, has remarked that Spain “is not a normal democracy”.

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2024-04-18 10:53:35
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