The Departure of Sergio Hernández: Repercussions for Leones de Ponce in Puerto Rico

The Departure of Sergio Hernández: Repercussions for Leones de Ponce in Puerto Rico

In Puerto Rico, the repercussions continue due to the early departure of Sergio Hernández from Bahia from the Leones de Ponce bench, a team from the Superior Basketball League (LBS) of that country.

As we already reported, Oveja was fired after two defeats at the very beginning of the season after losing to Santeros (91-70) and against Piratas (99-64). The coach from Bahia had already been directing since last season.

In the last hours, the general manager of Leones, Gabriel Ortiz, declared the reasons for the departure of the renowned coach, Bronze medalist at the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games and runner-up (Silver medal) at the 2019 China World Cup with the Argentine team. .



Rivera (left) and Morales. Behind the bench – with his arms crossed – you can see manager Ortiz.

“He is a great coach with great knowledge and we understood that perhaps with one more year of experience in the league and having some pieces that perhaps he did not have last year he could go better. But it was not like that and we moved quickly, since it is a fast league that if you fall too far behind it can take its toll on you. But Sergio is still a great basketball mind and a great coach,” said the manager.

The Bahian coach did not make his debut at home.

In statements published by the Puerto Rican newspaper “Nuevo Día”, the Leones manager clarified that the objective of Oveja’s arrival was for him to share his experience with the designated assistant coach, Carlos Rivera. The newspaper cites that this was the priority for the leadership: appointing the former Puerto Rico national team player as coach, after a period of learning alongside Hernández.

Beyond the change of coach, Leones de Ponce failed to end the streak and yesterday lost in its home debut against Criollos de Caguas by 81-72, under the technical direction of Rivera and Carlos Morales, who served as a commentator for Álvaro Martín on NBA broadcasts on ESPN.

The previous season, Oveja resigned from Leones after 18 games (7-11). On that occasion, the managers offered him to continue working as an advisor to the franchise, something that did not happen this time.

“Sergio’s resume speaks for itself. When you share with him, you know that he has knowledge,” said Ortiz.

Lastly, he added that the Bahian’s departure took place on good terms.

2024-04-15 21:09:44
#manager #Leones #Ponce #gave #reasons #departure #Bahian #Oveja #Hernández


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