The Clash of Titans: Montefiascone vs Viterbo in the First Serie C Championship Match

The Clash of Titans: Montefiascone vs Viterbo in the First Serie C Championship Match

On Sunday the senior teams of Montefiascone and Viterbo will clash in the first match of the championship

NewTuscia – MONTEFIASCONE – The first of the Serie C championship that WiPlanet Montefiascone and Viterbo will play next Sunday, at 3pm, on the G. Porroni stadium in Montefiascone has the flavor of amarcord. The last time the derby, always deeply felt by both circles, was 17 years ago, in the 2008 Serie B championship, with 2 double matches both ending with a victory and a defeat for each team.

The yellow-greens lined up the epic formation with the various Pietro Carletti, Fanali, Capezzali, Rastrello and Zerbini. Today Pietro is the manager, assisted by Luis Olmedo and Costantino Russo, and will also have the pleasure of having his son Matteo at his disposal, who has renounced confirmation in the BBC Grosseto series A and will play in Montefiascone, significantly strengthening the yellow-green team . But perhaps Matteo won’t be the only surprise, given the amarcord atmosphere of the day.

It will therefore be a revolutionized team that will face the young Viterbo team on Sunday, reinforced by the various Bertollini, Servodio, Princi, to whom last year the yellow-green club gave the opportunity to continue their activity.

Few of the 2023 WiPlanet Montefiascone squad remain: the always commendable Paride Pacchiarelli (unfortunately still out for a long time due to injury), Andrea and Giuseppe Tabarrini, Matteo Pepponi and Gianluca Negro, while Roberto has just returned, compatibly with work commitments. Marianello.

The team was pleased to welcome Renato Aprile, from the Roma Brewers, who can play the role of third base and also catcher. Then we were joined by two Venezuelans residing in the province who asked to play with us: Juan Carlos Pinto Oropeza and Leonardo José Jaime Castillo.

But the icing on the squad was put by president Tabarrini with the agreement with Lions Nettuno.

The Neptunesi were promoted to Serie A last year, which they will face together with Anzio. Some good young players, excellent in Serie B (and even more so in Serie C) but not yet ready for Serie A, will come to play in Montefiascone. The negotiation is still ongoing, but the 17-year-olds Matteo Calamari (pitcher, 4 games won and zero lost in Serie B, with a percentage of 3.63 points in 22 innings pitched) and Lorenzo Caselli (catcher) will certainly wear the yellow-green colours. , batting average 261). They are young people who are technically prepared and passionate about baseball: they will certainly make a great contribution to the team.

Great anticipation and curiosity therefore for this home debut, on a pitch with splendid turf which will certainly allow for an exciting match.

The Serie C calendar sees a 4-way group with Perugia and Brewers Roma, and an inter-group with Caserta, Salerno, Teramo and Chieti. These are the WiPlanet matches.

SERIES C 2024 CALENDARDateHome teamAway team14 AprWiPlanet MontefiasconeViterbo21-AprPerugiaWiPlanet Montefiascone5-magWiPlanet MontefiasconeBrewers Roma12-magWiPlanet MontefiasconeChieti19-magWiPlanet MontefiasconeSalerno26-magTeramoWiPlanet Montefiascone02-June CasertaWiPlanet Montefiascone23-JunWiPlanet MontefiasconePerugia30-JuneViterboWiPlanet Montefiascone7-lugBrewers RomaWiPlanet Montefiascone

2024-04-13 15:18:48
#Wiplanet #Baseball #derby #years


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