The Cherry Tree Seasons: A Tale of Wisdom and Judo

On Sunday 14 April, on the occasion of the monthly Do Yu Kai training, the short novel ‘The Cherry Tree Seasons’ was presented at the dojo in Via Cattaneo. The publication, explained the author Marco Frigerio “is a tale of wisdom”, narrates the life of Shinnosuke, an imaginary young judoka, and follows him from the age of twelve in all four seasons. The story is «an act of love for a discipline that is more than a sport and which has characterized my life, having started practicing at the age of six and never having stopped». In the small book the meaning and principles of judo are explained and “it is an opportunity to reflect on the true meaning of judo also based on personal experiences lived in recent years”. The presentation in front of about forty people concluded with the reading of part of chapter 59, which describes the chance meeting between the protagonist and the Chiasso dojo. At the end there was no shortage of distribution of the book, with dedication, to the members.

2024-04-15 02:59:51
#presented #explain #judo


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