Tennis: Berrettini’s mental coach, “Matteo is exceptional” – Tennis

Tennis: Berrettini’s mental coach, “Matteo is exceptional” – Tennis

“In the last two years Berrettini has had a series of notable problems from a physical point of view.

When physical problems tend to recur, a particular fear of getting hurt is triggered, and one goes onto the pitch more fearful.

We also wonder how much we can resist in this situation of physical stress. A series of questions are triggered that impact not only the mood but also the serenity of the athlete”. This is what Stefano Massari, Matteo Berrettini’s historic mental coach, spoke to Radio Anch’io Sport on Rai Radio 1.

“Matteo is a boy who has exceptional qualities from a human point of view and that is what he leveraged in those very difficult moments. The return to victory after just a few weeks after resuming activity can be explained by his exceptional qualities, in addition to all the I work with his new team,” he added.

“We no longer work so much on what happens on the pitch, while we have maintained an open discussion on his readings.

I was struck by hearing that in Morocco they nicknamed him Maximus, the gladiator of Marrakech because now Matteo is reading Baricco’s book “Homer, Iliad” which talks about Greek heroes, let’s say that we are in line with the work we are doing”. Massari underlines.

Could the popularity of Sinner also have influenced this moment of difficulty? “I don’t think so, there is a very good relationship between Matteo and Jannik, one of great esteem. I believe that in these last 22 months Matteo has had to deal more with himself than with Jannik’s popularity. Honestly, I don’t think this has happened problem, in fact I think he was pleased with his success”, underlines the mental coach.

Sinner’s refusals in Sanremo first and then in Le Iene: “Sinner is fantastic in this too. Just think that from number 10 in the world he decided to change coach, going from Piatti to Vagnozzi, much less known at that time. At 19- 20 years old, making such a decision and having the strength to resist the first months in which he had no immediate results means being wise beyond age. Sinner is a champion in many respects”, concludes Massari.

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2024-04-08 08:52:10
#Tennis #Berrettinis #mental #coach #Matteo #exceptional #Tennis


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