Record-Breaking Night: Fewest Free Throws Attempted in NBA Game Between Milwaukee Bucks and Boston Celtics

In the match between Milwaukee Bucks e Boston Celtics ended in the night there is not only the bad news regarding theinfortunio di Giannis Antetokounmpobut there is also a to be recorded record NBA curious. In fact, according to what ESPN reports, the two teams have archived the match with fewer free throws attempted taking both teams into consideration. The previous record of 11, set on Nov. 10, 2019, when Indiana had five shots and Orlando had six.

The Boston Celtics didn’t shoot a single one, while the Bucks recorded the two free throws attempted by Giannis Antetokounmpo, who then only made one. THE Memphis Grizzlies (2014) Atlanta Hawks (2018) they shared the single-team record with a free throw attempt in a game. Furthermore, the Bucks committed only four fouls, the fewest in league history. This too is another record.

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2024-04-10 03:17:56
#MilwaukeeBoston #NBA #history #free #throws #shot #match


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