Premier League Clubs Unanimously Approve Introduction of Semi-Automated Offside Technology

Every season, refereeing is at the center of debate. But the IFAB (International Football Association Board) wants to continue to put tools in place to help referees make the best decisions while modernizing football. Recently, there was talk of a new blue card, having the role of sanctioning a player for ten minutes (he would leave the field, editor’s note) if he ever prevented “a promising attack” or in case of “dissent”. But the idea was obviously abandoned. On the other hand, a new innovation will be implemented in England.

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Sky Sports reveals that at a meeting held this Thursday, Premier League clubs unanimously agreed to the introduction of new semi-automated offside technology. This system will also be used from next season in the English league. It remains to be seen whether this innovation will be unanimously accepted once it is used or if, like video refereeing (VAR), it will be the subject of numerous debates.

Pub. 04/11/2024 3:07 p.m. Updated 04/11/2024 3:24 p.m.

2024-04-11 13:07:38
#Premier #League #introduces #semiautomated #offside #technology


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