Paris Metro Stations Get a Comedic Makeover for April Fools and the Olympic Games

Paris Metro Stations Get a Comedic Makeover for April Fools and the Olympic Games

It’s an RATP classic: reformulating the names of metro stations to make little jokes around a particular event. This year, 2024, is a big year, since the annual April 1st is joined by the prospect of the Paris Olympic Games in exactly 116 days.

The opportunity was too good to pass up. This Monday, April 1, residents of the capital will discover the name of around fifteen modified stations. The “Nation” station becomes “Nation” (we like the humor here), “Alexandre Dumas” transforms into “Alexandre Dumarathon” and as long as we are in the desecration of our greatest writers, “Victor Hugo” goes to “Victor Judo”.

The Paralympic Games also highlighted

It’s not just line 2 that knows this joke, since on line 12, hold on tight to your chair, “Trocadéro” becomes “Trocanoë” or “Sèvres-Babylone” changes to “Sèvres-Badminton”.

And since we can make humor while being inclusive (we are not targeting anyone in particular), the Paralympic Games are also in the spotlight. “Pigalle” changes to “Pigoalball” and “Avron” changes to “Aviron/Para aviron”.

Well, we recognize that it’s funny, but if instead of having funny names, we could have subways that arrive on time, that’s fine too.

2024-04-01 11:06:02
#Victor #Judo #Trocanoë #RATP #metro #stations #April #1st


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