Olivet Archery Club Hosts Major Competition at Vanoise Gymnasium

The club Olivet archery, chaired by Éric Rabin, is hosting a major competition on Sunday at the Vanoise gymnasium.

The club hosts an official competition on the FFTA calendar, with the support of the departmental committee: the Mixed Trophy. A mixed team tournament, made up of a man and a woman from the same category and the same club.

Of the four possible categories, Olivet archery will host the departmental competition for new licensees (less than two years of practice) and experienced recurve archers. The winners will qualify for the national trophy, scheduled for June 22.

Around sixty members at the club

It is therefore the excitement within the Olivetan club, which has many followers. This season, there are 66 licensees training, aged 9 to 77, including more than 40% women and around thirty young people. The practice of this Olympic sport takes place at the Vanoise gymnasium: indoor shooting, generally at 18 meters. But also outside at the Donjon area, on a shooting range which allows you to shoot at different distances from 20 to 70 meters.

“Beginners learn to shoot using a recurve bow with a sight, like the majority of experienced archers at the club, but we also have a few practitioners using compound bows or bare bows, traditional or without a sight,” explains Vincent Leveau, treasurer. Club members train either for leisure or for competition.

A group regularly participates in departmental and regional competitions, indoors at 18 meters on 40-centimeter faces, and outdoors at 50 and 70 meters on 122-centimeter faces. Recently, Sabine Chambaraud, Loiret champion and coach at the club, participated in the French indoor championships and placed fifth in her category.

Practical. Mixed duet archers competition at 18 meters, Sunday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the La Vanoise gymnasium, in Olivet. Free and free entry for all audiences.

2024-04-06 04:00:00
#Meeting #archers #Olivet


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