Novak Djokovic’s 2024 Tennis Season: A Disorienting Start

Novak Djokovic’s 2024 Tennis Season: A Disorienting Start

The 2024 tennis season is not yet Novak Djokovic’s. The Serbian superstar has only played three tournaments so far, but he hasn’t won a single one of them. Added to this was the separation from his coach Goran Ivanisevic. Many in the scene are wondering what’s going on at “Djoker” these weeks. Boris Becker is also puzzling.

It was strange that Djokovic canceled some of the biggest tournaments this season – including Miami and Madrid – said Becker in an interview with the British newspaper “Telegraph”.

“I think he’s looking for something different right now,” the German legend speculated about Djokovic’s motivations. “But I’m not sure if he knows exactly what that is,” Becker recognized a certain disorientation in his former protégé.

Becker: Djokovic “needs matches”

The decision to cancel his participation in the highly endowed and strong ATP tournament in Madrid “surprised him,” said Becker, because: “I think that he needs matches in this phase. He needs competition,” said the 56-year-old. year-old Leimener.

Nevertheless, Becker emphasized that Djokovic probably has his “own calendar”. What does this look like? “I believe that a gold medal for Serbia [bei den Olympischen Spielen in Paris] winning is his main goal. Maybe he’s preparing now so he’ll be fresh in July. That could be a reason,” speculated Becker, who added: “You should never underestimate him.”

Becker rules out coaching comeback

He still maintains a friendly relationship with the Serb. This will always remain the case, emphasized Becker. However, returning to the superstar’s coaching staff is out of the question for him, said the German.

“I couldn’t possibly become his coach again because I was already there. It would be a step back,” said Becker, categorically ruling out a coaching comeback at Nole’s side.

2024-04-22 10:22:00
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