Navigating the Pitfalls of the Nike-FC Barcelona Contract: Economic Safeguards and Penalties Explained

The contract signed by Nike and the FCB in 2016 can be divided into three main aspects. From an economic point of view it is a market one, with an ascending profile. Being long term, provides the FCB with solvency vis-à-vis third parties or creditors. It allows you to use it as collateral in credit operations.

However, where the agreement can really sting the most for FCB is in the ‘reduction event’ section, what in the jargon of sports contracts is known as ‘malus’. That is, if the FCB first team does not achieve a minimum of objectives in the competitions in which it takes part, an economic penalty is applied. And in the case of FCB it is considerable.

1) If Barça does not win the League each season during the duration of the contract, 5% is deducted from the emoluments to be received the next season.

2) If Barça does not reach the semi-finals of the Champions League or equivalent competition, a 10% penalty is applied the following season.

3) If Barça does not qualify to play in the group stage of the Champions League, the penalty would be 30%

4) If Barça does not qualify to compete in any European competition, a 60% penalty is applied.

If we do the sums, in the last two seasons, Barça did not reach the semifinals of the Champions League and only won one League. The money he has stopped earning, of course, has been considerable.

2024-04-13 06:00:47
#Nikes #strong #penalties #Barça


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