Latvian Floorball Union » LV » 2023/2024 » News » Kuldīdznieki defeats “FK Valka/IGLU” and wins the 1st league bronze

Latvian Floorball Union » LV » 2023/2024 » News » Kuldīdznieki defeats “FK Valka/IGLU” and wins the 1st league bronze

Kuldīdznieki defeats “FK Valka/IGLU” and wins the 1st league bronze

The floorball players of “Kuldīgas NSS/Lindes Grupa” became the bronze medalists of the men’s 1st league of the Latvian floorball championship, which broke the resistance of “FK Valka/IGLU” in the middle of the game today at Lielvārde sports center, celebrating a crushing victory with 13:3. Niklāvs Ārcītis and Krists Ķemeris scored three goals each.

Fans of both teams had to wait almost 13 minutes for the first goal. The people of Valčenia were the first to celebrate, because Edgars Lazdiņš scored the goal (1:0). In the 16th minute, Krists Ķemeris from Kuldīž responded with the same – 1:1. It was also tied at the beginning of the 28th minute (2:2), but then Kuldīga’s floorball players made a major breakthrough, scoring four unanswered goals until the second break – 6:2. At the beginning of the last third, Valka’s floorball players scored one goal (3:6), but in the rest only Kurzemi dominated the field, scoring a very convincing victory with 13:3, which allowed the team “Kuldīgas NSS/Lindes Grupa” to win the cup for third place and bronze medals.

“Hat-trick” author Krista Ķemeri was recognized as the best player in the winning team. Only Niklāvs Ārcītis was more productive than him, who not only scored three goals, but also made one offensive pass. Sven Lapčinskis scored two goals, while Toms Grinkevičs, Ingmārs Lapčinskis and Mick Maslobojevs collected 2 (1+1) points each. Emīls Kalniņš received the award for the best player in Valka’s team, while Edgars Lazdiņš and Linards Ščegolevs were the top scorers with two points each.

2024-04-06 15:11:15
#Latvian #Floorball #Union #News #Kuldīdznieki #defeats #ValkaIGLU #wins #1st #league #bronze


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