Las Mañanitas will have drinking water and will benefit from another branch of the Metro, promised José Raúl Mulino

Las Mañanitas will have drinking water and will benefit from another branch of the Metro, promised José Raúl Mulino

The township of The Mornings It will have guaranteed drinking water and its population will once again have better days with the extension of the subway, more chen chen and security in the streets, reiterated the presidential candidate for the Realizing Goals and Alliance parties, José Raúl Mulinoduring a tour with supporters and candidates of the “Alliance to save Panama”.

Mulino, accompanied by the president of the Alianza party and candidate for deputy José “Pepe” Muñoz and the candidate for Mayor of Panama Sergio “Chello” Gálvezsaid that one of the major projects that will be given priority in his government is the construction of the Bayano water treatment plantwhich will ensure that all communities of Panama East receive the service of drinking water 24/7.

The presidential candidate once again pointed out that the lack of drinking water is a problem that is replicated in almost the entire country, which is why the work formula Martinelli-Mulino has committed to finding a solution efficiently, and this implies submitting to the Institute of National Aqueducts and Sewers (IDAAN) to restructuring, isolating it from party politics.

The community of Las Mañanitas will also benefit from an extension of the Panama Metro until White Step and a branch to The NAP. This will allow this population to have an efficient mass transportation system and will improve their quality of life.

Mulino indicated that the Martinelli government had already shown that things could be done and “We will do it well again” so that Panama can once again have a thriving economy and leadership in the Latin American region.

The young people of the town of Las Mañanitas will also benefit from the “mayor” program of first job that will be executed in the country, in conjunction with private companies.

Mulino pointed out that this proposal and the start of large projects such as the road rehabilitation program, will help reduce unemployment and the so-called full employment is achieved again, as was done in the Martinelli government.

José Raúl Mulino, in addition to his walk, previously visited some houses in order to learn about the situation that families in Las Mañanitas are going through, The lack of water and unemployment being the common denominator., among other problems; being accompanied by Margarita Vasquez.

The presidential candidate will participate this Wednesday in a gathering in the afternoon hours La Siesta paid zone, in Tocumen, from 5:00 p.m.

2024-04-17 01:08:30
#Las #Mañanitas #drinking #water #benefit #branch #Metro #promised #José #Raúl #Mulino


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