Javi Gómez Noya’s mother dies

Javi Gómez Noya’s mother dies

This past Sunday, Manoli Noya Durán died at the age of 76 after a long illness. Her son, Javier Gómez Noya, had to rush back from Singapore where he was scheduled to compete in the second event of the T100 Triathlon World Tour. The organization of the test itself confirmed last Friday on social networks that the ‘Captain’, “due to personal reasons”, The cast of stars that make up this racing series will not be measured.

It was this Monday when the five-time triathlon world champion confirmed the worst omens after his unexpected departure from the Asian country: “As many of you already know, I was in Singapore ready to run this weekend when I received a call from my mother’s doctor on Tuesday, saying that her condition had gotten much worse. and, although it was impossible to predict it, he thought that she would not live another week. A few hours later we were in a plane traveling to Spain to spend her last days with her and my family. Sadly, he passed away peacefully on Sunday morning after battling a long illness.”

It is the message that Javi Gómez Noya has written on her Instagram profile with a photo with her mother Manuela (Manoli) Noya Durán, to whom she has dedicated these beautiful words: “My mother was not only the kindest, sweetest and most loving person I have ever met, but also an unconditional and key support in my career. From the beginning. She will be missed by many and always remembered by those who had the opportunity to cross paths with her in her lives.”

“Lastly, I want to thank @t100triathlon, sponsors, fellow competitors and friends for their understanding and support in this difficult situation. I hope to see you all soon.”

Condolences from Galician athletes

Companions of ferrolano triathlete based in Pontevedra as the canguesa paddler Teri Portela, or the Vigo triathlete Susana Rodríguez Gacio, also expressed their condolences in the comments of her publication and sent her a hug.

This Monday at noon, Manoli’s farewell took place in the assembly hall of the funeral home in the city of Lérez, and then she was cremated privately at the Terras de Pontevedra crematorium.

2024-04-15 17:37:01
#Javi #Gómez #Noyas #mother #dies


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