«I want to learn to cook and dance»- Corriere.it

«I want to learn to cook and dance»- Corriere.it

by Salvatore Riggio

Liverpool manager Jurgen Klopp has already announced his retirement at the end of the season. I only know how to boil water and that’s not enough, I dream of the Beatles at Anfield for my farewell party

After announcing his farewell to Liverpool at the end of January, Jurgen Klopp doesn’t know what to do with his life. The German coach himself said it in an interview with Sky News: Yes, for the first time in 40 years I will have no idea what to do and exactly what I want, his words. But he already has some interesting projects, after revealing that the Europa League match lost 3-0 against Atalanta was the lowest point from which we can only go back up.

Kloop goes to the kitchen

Speaking about his life without football, he added: There are a couple of things that Ulla (his wife, ed.) told me I have to do: I have to learn to cook and we have to take dance lessons. What I told her is that I can’t do nothing because otherwise I’d start working again after four weeks. He’ll definitely have to learn how to cook, at least know how to make her breakfast or something. I don’t know how to do anything at all in the kitchen, which is one of the reasons why I’m absolutely useless in my private life. But I grew up in the Black Forest with two sisters: I only knew what the kitchen was because it was the room where that good smell of food came from. I don’t know how to do absolutely anything. Does boiling hot water count? During Covid I learned to make scrambled eggs, but I didn’t make them anymore and I forgot about it, added Klopp.

The passion for music and the Beatles

It won’t be a silent goodbye with the Reds

. Liverpool have already planned a save for Klopp, even if he doesn’t exactly agree. I’ve had enough of parades and parties, I’ve never liked them and I never will. But I understand why and I would like to give people the opportunity to celebrate something special. And I think that would be right too. Who do I want to see play? We’re in Liverpool, so I say the Beatles. And they can choose the song, I like practically all of them. If I’m honest, there’s a current band that I’d like to see play: they’re called Die Toten Hasen, which from German to English I think can be translated as The Dead Pants. a punk rock band and the singer, Campino, a good friend of mine as well as one of the biggest Liverpool fans I know. If they could play at Anfield, I’m sure it would be the best day of his life. Their favorite song released in 2012, when we made the Double with Dortmund. It’s called ‘days like these’, it would be perfect for that day too.

The final victory with Liverpool

Many are wondering who will be Klopp’s heir on the Liverpool bench, where he welcomed Eriksson, leaving him a place on the bench for a charity match, thus fulfilling the wish of his colleague suffering from cancer. Honestly I don’t care what anyone says about me, I’ve never even considered myself a great coach, I’m still surprised that people consider me one and I don’t want something written on my grave like ‘here lies one of the greatest coaches in the history of football’. It’s not for me, I don’t care and I would have died anyway. I want to be remembered as someone who helped other people get through life. What matters to me is that the people of Liverpool are happy with what I have done, with what we have done. We still have something to win and I want to make sure we try all the way.

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April 13, 2024 (changed April 13, 2024 | 5:30 pm)

2024-04-13 15:31:03
#learn #cook #dance #Corriere.it


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