Gimnasia Falls to Banfield in League Cup Match

Gimnasia Falls to Banfield in League Cup Match

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Felipe Sánchez scored the first for Gimnasia

The visit had an immediate response and had a very clear goal situation, but Nelson Insfrán was well positioned and stopped the shot. Minutes later, opening the field well and being careful with the passes, Gimnasia had the opportunity to extend the advantage, through Benjamín Domínguez who was not able to define.

The match had a brief period of frenetic back-and-forth where the two teams came at each other with danger. Then, they went down a gear and, accompanied by some inaccuracies, the game became more contested in the midfield.

During the first half, Gimnasia was more than Banfield, being faster and having clearer situations. However, at the end of the first 45 minutes, Leonardo Madelón’s team was in a bad position at the back and, if it weren’t for Insfrán again, they almost tied the game.

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Gimnasia celebrates the first goal against Banfield (Photo: gymnasiaoficial)

Madelón’s team warned again at the beginning of the complement. Once again, after a good passing play and the arrival of Federico Milo as a winger, Gimnasia was close to increasing the difference, but this time it was Barovero who said no.

In any case, the Wolf did not stop suffering in defense and on more than one occasion saw the advantage obtained put at risk. On those occasions, Nelson Insfrán became a giant in goal, as in the first half, and prevented his goal from falling.

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Banfield tied the game in Bosque

However, in the blink of an eye, Lobo had two distractions that meant two goals for the visit. In the first, the Tripera defense was never able to finish rejecting the ball from the area, and after a few rebounds, Ignacio Ramírez tied the game.

After serving from the central circle, El Taladro took advantage of a rude error by Yonathan Cabral, which he received from Pintado, the ball escaped from under his sole and left Milton Giménez alone to face Insfrán and score 2 to 1.

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Quickly, the Drill turned it

Gimnasia went desperately in search of an equalizer, but without finding the football they displayed in most of the match. They paid dearly for defensive errors and said goodbye to the local competition with a defeat.

Gimnasia fell to Banfield at the close of the League Cup



Gymnastics (1)

Nelson Insfran; Juan Pintado, Yonathan Cabral, Leonardo Morales, Felipe Sánchez and Federico Milo; Lucas Castro, Rodrigo Saravia and Pablo De Blasis; Rodrigo Castillo and Benjamín Domínguez. DT: Leo Madelón.

Banfield (2)

Marcelo Barovero, Ezekiel Bonifacio, Alexander Maciel, Aaron Quiros, Emmanuel Insua; Juan Pablo Alvarez, Jesus Soraire, Yvo Calleros and Ignacio Rodriguez, Bruno Sepulveda and Milton Gimenez. DT: Julius Falcioni.

Gol: PT: 6′ Felipe Sánchez (Gymnastics); ST: 30′ Ignacio Rodríguez (Banfield), 31′ Milton Giménez (Banfield)

Yellow: PT: 22′ Emanuel Insúa (Banfield); ST: 22′ Milton Giménez (Banfield), 40′ Matías Giménez (Banfield), 41′ Leonardo Morales (Gimnasia), Gerónimo Rivera (Banfield)

Changes: ST: 00′ Cristian Núñez x Jesús Soraire (Banfield), 15′ Nicolás Colazo x Federico Milo (Gimnasia), 21′ Gerónimo Rivera and Matías González x Bruno Sepúlveda and Yvo Calleros (Banfield), 24′ Agustín Bolívar and David Zalazar x Lucas Castro and Pablo De Blasis (Gymnastics), 35′ Eric Ramírez x Yonathan Cabral (Gymnastics), Mateo Pérez x Matías González (Banfield)

Referee: Sebastian Zunino

Estadio: Juan Carmelo Zerillo

Gymnastics vs. Banfield for the League Cup

2024-04-14 23:07:20
#Gimnasia #paid #dearly #defensive #errors #fell #Banfield #League #Cup


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