Farigliano Youth Basketball Teams Continue Dominance in Coppa Piemonte

Farigliano Youth Basketball Teams Continue Dominance in Coppa Piemonte

Fourth victory out of four games in the second phase for the Under 17 team of Pallacanestro Farigliano, at the end of a game with two faces: 39-30 the first 20′ and 45-13 the second 20′. Farigliano is mathematically qualified (with two days to spare) for the Final four for the 2024 Coppa Piemonte.



PF. Alberione, Fresia Dotta, Roagna, Manfredi, Manera, Mariani, Manzi, Sabena, Schellino, Viara, Zavattero Bottero. All. Alberione, Sappa.

Under 15 Gold

PF         58


At the end of a match prepared very well by the guests, the Fariglianese boys once again managed to come together and with a 37-20 second half they maintained their unbeaten season and first place in the title phase.

PF. Alberione, Avico, Cillario, Grosso, Lasagna, Massano, Marenco, Porro, Racca, Scarano, Zavattero Bottero. Alberione, Giachello, Schellino.

Under 14 Gold


PF 59

It was a two-faced match for PF who approached the match very well, showing good pace in attack and intensity in defense in the first two quarters of the game, closing 42-38 at half-time. Upon returning to the field the home team changes gear and thanks to an important partial in the third quarter forces PF to have to chase until the 40th minute.

PF. Avico, Cillario, Massano, Manfredi, Porro, Marenco, Scarano, Bianciotto, Romana. All. Bittner, Schellino.

Under 13 Gold


PF 53

External match on the difficult Grugliasco basketball court for PF. In the first 20 minutes the two teams are equal: Farigliano plays beautiful basketball made up of quick counterattacks and excellent play. The beginning of the third quarter is the crossroads of the match, the “red cats” dramatically increase the pace going 33 to 38. Unfortunately here the light goes out, too much enthusiasm in defense leads to numerous fouls being committed and, thanks to an injury, the PF suffers a bad partial and closes the picture at 47 to 39 for the locals who then manage to take home the match.

PF. Cerato, Musso, Viara, Occelli, Novarese, Galleano, Pecchenino, Taricco, Grosso, Reineri. All. Giachello.

Under 14 F

PF 42


Good performance for the Farigliano Pinks who demonstrate constant growth and ever-increasing cohesion. The start was a bit slow for both teams who only scored four points in 5 minutes, then the hosts changed gear. In the third quarter a physical decline causes the guests to partially return, but coach Pecchenino’s young players react promptly.

PF. De Piano, Ascheri, Giordano, Borgese, Demichelis, Cannas, Alberione, Giordano, Terreno, Bertaina. Herds Pecchenino, Sappa, Schellino.

CSI guys

PF                      78


A very young PF faces Racconigi’s Gators team. The match is very close in the first two periods and it goes to the long break at 37 to 31. The PF then changes gear, the third quarter ends at 25 to 6 for the decidedly more aggressive and gritty locals. In the last period, even with a few too many defensive errors, the result did not change.

PF. Fenocchio, Sartirano, Galleano, Manfredi, Gonella, Aimasso, Fresia, Castellino, Tedesco. All. Sappa, Giachello.


PF 13


Good performance for the 2012 Farigliano team, engaged at home against their friends from Cherasco Basketball in the match valid for the Open Rookie Championship. Coach Bolgioni’s boys play the whole match with intensity and determination and impose themselves, suffering, against excellent opponents.

PF. Aimasso, Bruno, Borra, Cappellino, Carbone, Barbiero, Fenocchio, Mara, Qafaloku, Rinaldo. All. Bolgioni.

Big eaglets

Yet another meeting in the Aquilotti Big Championship for the 2013 group of Pallacanestro Farigliano, who, at the Pala Langhe, with the help of some 2014 and 2015 players to make up for the absences, face the hosts Olimpo Alba and Iogiocoaminibasket Cuneo. The little Fariglianese managed to overcome the hosts from Alba and were forced to give in, despite never giving up, against the very strong Cuneo.

PF. Balbi, Barbiero, Basso, Bongioanni, Cappellino, Gambera, Griseri, Jovanovic, Musso, Novarese. All. Bolgioni.

2024-04-17 17:44:41
#Farigliano #Basketball #results #weekend #www.ideawebtv.it


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