Donnacha Ryan (La Rochelle): “We will have to start the match better against Leinster”

“How did the group manage the trip between Cape Town and Dublin?
It was long, but fortunately it was much better than when we returned in December thanks to the result (a victory in the round of 16 against the Stormers on Saturday). We made stopovers in Johannesburg and Paris and arrived in Cork on Monday lunchtime. The players were tired, they naturally had aches. But yesterday (Tuesday) we had a very good training session at Temple Hill, at Ronan O’Gara’s old club. The weather was not good on Monday, the players were a little shocked, there was a big difference with Cape Town. But yesterday wasn’t bad.

You played for Munster for a long time. What does facing Leinster mean to you?
There is a big rivalry between Munster and Leinster and I know a lot of Leinster players. I played with them in the Ireland team and against them, often. I also lost a European Cup final against Leinster with Racing. I know the quality of the players, their state of mind, the organization of the team. They show the best version of themselves. And my wife was born in Dublin, so I often laugh about that with her family too (laughs).

“We know that Munster supporters are similar to those of La Rochelle”

Are you feeling the support from Munster this week?
We’re taking all possible support this week, because the last time we played Leinster at the Aviva (last year in the Champions Cup final), the atmosphere was enormous. We know that Munster supporters are similar to those of La Rochelle, there is a connection with the team, they are passionate.

You have won against Leinster in your last three finals matches against them. How much confidence does that give you against them?
It gives a lot of confidence. The players also did something very well in Cape Town, the Stormers had never lost at home to a European team in the Champions Cup. We were down 16-0 but the attitude of the players and the bench was positive. But you shouldn’t put yourself in this kind of situation all the time. We will have to start the match much better on Saturday against Leinster. »


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