Do you know the gynecological visits to do based on age?

Women pay attention to their health during gynecological visits, but how often do they do it? Although they are on average more inclined towards prevention than men, just 50% of Italian women have carried out a gynecological examination in the last 12 months. A fact that highlights the tendency to neglect what are the fundamental tests for the general health and well-being of women.

Gynecological visits to be done based on age

The question arises spontaneously: what are the gynecological visits and tests to undergo at different ages? On the occasion of National Women’s Health Day, established in 2015 and promoted by the Atena Onlus Foundation with the Ministry of Health, Dr. Rossella Nappi, professor of obstetrics and gynecology at the University of Pavia, offers some advice together with Meclon Lenex, a cosmetic from the Alfasigma brand, in order to promote greater knowledge and awareness among women of the importance of prevention and female intimate well-being.

One in two women avoids gynecological checks

This becomes relevant given the data emerging from the study according to which almost one in two women seems to avoid a gynecological check-up. Even the Pap test – a fundamental test for identifying cervical anomalies – was carried out by less than one in three women (31%); in the age group between 30 and 44, 30% of women say they have never done it, or have done it many years ago.

Below is an overview of the visits and tests recommended for the different age groups of women.

Exams and visits for girls (under 25): first gynecological examination and HPV vaccination

“In addition to the first gynecological examination, with possible pelvic ultrasound, which I recommend doing during adolescence, at the time of hormonal change, it is essential to carry out the human papilloma virus vaccination, known as HPV, recommended and free for girls and boys starting from 11 years of age.

It is an infectious virus of which over 200 variants (serotypes) are known: in some cases it can cause warts and warts, in others the infection can lead to cellular changes that slowly progress into tumor forms of the female reproductive system affecting the neck of the uterus, but also the vagina and vulva, as well as other organs and contact systems” comments Dr. Nappi.

Exams and visits for young women aged 25 to 40

Hormones – estrogen and progesterone – mark the menstrual cycle every month, therefore they become every woman’s life companions. “The advice I give to my patients is to undergo a gynecological examination at least once a year” continues the doctor. A moment, not to be forgotten and marked in the diary, for the well-being and health of each woman. In addition to the check itself, it becomes an opportunity for discussion between the patient and the specialist on specific doubts, concerns and problems such as alterations in the menstrual rhythm or flow, intimate disorders, etc.

“Among the tests that are best carried out from the age of 30 onwards is breast ultrasound, a first-instance test which allows you to identify any formations inside the breast and distinguish between those with a liquid content and those with a solid content. Not to be overlooked, for the prevention of all women, is the Pap Test, a screening test that is best done on a regular basis every 3 years or based on your risk, which allows you to detect pre-tumor or tumor anomalies” concludes the doctor Nappi.

Exams and visits for women aged 40 to 50

From the age of 40 onwards there are those who go through premenopause and those who go through menopause. It is a period in which the childbearing age ends, changing women’s lives.

“Prevention becomes crucial in this period in which you don’t have to wait for the annual gynecological examination appointment, especially when you have abnormal vaginal bleeding or discharge, abdominal pain or swelling, pain during sexual intercourse or alterations in the menstrual cycle. In these cases it is best to contact the gynecologist directly who, starting from the diagnostic suspicion, evaluates visits, pelvic ultrasounds and tests to be subsequently prescribed to the patient. And, with a view to prevention, we must not forget to undergo a breast examination, breast ultrasound and mammography. Breast ultrasound is not an alternative to mammography and the two tests can be complementary. In younger women, where the glandular tissue is denser, the results of ultrasound offer more information than those of mammography.” concludes Dr. Nappi.

Prevention, therefore, is the best way to check your health, which is why having regular exams and check-ups can make the difference.


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Photo by Melissa Askew / Antonino Visalli / LinkedIn Sales Solutions


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2024-04-26 05:47:53
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