Cuban Archery Team Sets National Record at Medellín 2024 Pan American Championship

Cuban Archery Team Sets National Record at Medellín 2024 Pan American Championship

Cuban archery team

Havana, April 11 (JIT).- The Cuban men’s team improved the national record in the double return at 70 meters during the opening day of the Medellín 2024 Pan American Archery Championship, in Colombia.

The recurve bow specialists Hugo Franco, Juan José Santiesteban and Javier Vega combined their expertise to add 1,976 points, three more than the record set during the XIX Pan American Games in Santiago 2023.

It was a stimulating gift for coach Reiter Téllez on his birthday and an example of the state of form of the Island’s team ahead of the fight that begins this Thursday for the only Olympic quota available for those registered in the competition.

Hugo made the greatest contribution with 674 units, complemented by the 654 of Juan José and the 648 achieved by Javier to anchor himself in sixth place on the list that groups 13 participating nations.

Based on the performance shown, the Cubans will have their first crossing with the representative of Peru (1815 stripes). Given the difference, it is expected that they will be able to resolve that match without too many setbacks, the prelude to a complicated confrontation with Mexico (2008), third in the seeding round.

In the women’s competition, only Larissa Pagán was able to surpass 600 points – she completed exactly 609 –, which together with what was achieved by Yailín Paredes (570) and Maydenia Sarduy (560) rounded out the harvest of 1,746.

That figure placed them in seventh place in the ranking to open the match segment with the Salvadorans (1593) as opponents. If they succeed, they will have the Brazilians (1928) as their next obstacle.

As in the men’s section, the competition only guarantees an Olympic place to the winning team, with the particularity that the Mexican women already have a reserved space in the competition under the five rings. If crowned in the coffee city, the ticket will correspond to the other finalist squad.


The results of each archer in the classification round held this Wednesday also defined the pairings of the individual and mixed team competition, which will not have a qualifying nature.

As luck would have it, Hugo and Javier’s paths crossed in the phase of 32 contestants, after subduing their first rivals, while advancing to a complicated fight with the Mexican Carlos Rojas in that instance scheduled on Friday.

On the same date, Larissa and Yailín will face the Colombian Ana María Rendón and the American Catalina Gnoriega, respectively. Maydenia did not have the same fortune, losing in her first match against the Panamanian Emma Durán.

In the call for mixed teams Larissa and Hugo will pair up to face the British Virgin Islands duo formed by Anne Abernathy and Nicholas D’Amour.

2024-04-11 15:32:27
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