Balata, Palermo’s new sports center is an important signal – Football

Balata, Palermo’s new sports center is an important signal – Football

“I welcome the inauguration of a center that will become a place of sporting development, moreover in a Southern club rich in football tradition”. Thus the president of the Serie B League, Mauro Balata, in a message sent on the occasion of the ribbon cutting of the new Palermo sports centre, in which he expresses his appreciation for “the club and an ownership which, in compliance with the values ​​of our league and the championship, is creating a capital structure of great importance, affirming, through virtuous and modern paths, principles and criteria that support the best condition of reliability and financial sustainability of a football club”.

“Although I was unable to attend the ceremony for family reasons, I undertake to return to visit the Torretta sports center in the near future, which has an important significance for the club, the city, Serie B and for all of Italian football – continues the letter from Balata – An extraordinary fact must be underlined, that is, how the City Football Group together with the management of Palermo managed in a very short time, I remember the laying of the first stone in October 2022 in which I participated, to do what in 124 years of history of the club had never been accomplished: creating a cutting-edge sports center”

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2024-04-07 11:55:11
#Balata #Palermos #sports #center #important #signal #Football


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