Alba Berlin on Fire: Hottest Team in the Easycredit Basketball Bundesliga

Alba Berlin on Fire: Hottest Team in the Easycredit Basketball Bundesliga

Not the leaders FC Bayern, not the Europe Cup heroes the Chemnitz Niners – the hottest team in the Easycredit Basketball Bundesliga is: Alba Berlin!

In the catch-up game at Veolia Towers they won their eleventh win in a row with 84:76 (40:22). Hamburg, on the other hand, suffered their fourth defeat in a row despite a great fight and have to worry about taking part in the newly introduced play-ins.

“I have never experienced a game like this,” sighed Towers coach Benka Barloschky. “It is mathematically almost impossible for us to lose the game. If you play the game like this 100 times, you win 99. We created 72 shots, shot almost 20 times more, we won the rebound duel, we did everything to win the game. But we lost it.”

One Edel fan was so affected by the heated game that he had to leave his box seat in the front row after several loud outbursts of anger towards Anne Panther’s referee crew. In the final quarter, a steward asked him to vacate his chair on the sidelines. He was then escorted to the stands.

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But one player also had a fuse: Alba’s Khalifa Koumadje was thrown off the field for the third time in two months after a disqualifying foul against Hamburg’s Aleksander Dziewa. Koumadje had pulled his opponent backwards by the neck in the 36th minute. Victim Dziewa (22 points): “This is not the first time for him. This was more wrestling than basketball. He grabbed my face and pulled me down.”

Disgusting: On the way into the dressing room, the 2.24-meter giant spat on the floor several times and made a derogatory gesture along his neck in the direction of the raging fans.

Basketball: Next disgusting action from scandal professional Khalifa Koumadje!

Repeat offender Koumadje has already been banned for a total of five games this season and had to pay 4,000 euros. Now the next punishment could come…

In Alba’s tense personnel situation, this is a disservice to the Berliners. At the beginning of the week it wasn’t even clear whether Alba could even field a team. Eight of 16 professionals were injured. And coach Israel Gonzalez stated: “It’s all about survival.” In the sold-out Inselpark (3,400 fans) in Hamburg-Wilhelmsburg, “only” six men were missing: Gabriele Procida (knee operation), Matteo Spagnolo (irritated sole), Johannes Thiemann (back), Yanni Wetzell, Louis Olinde (both ankles) and Matt Thomas.

The Towers ran for the first time with their new main sponsor “Nexperia” (pays around 600,000 euros per season) on the chest. But no trace of fresh self-confidence. On the contrary! The team initially seemed completely unsettled. The first quarter (5:16) was one of the worst in the club’s ten-year history!

In the middle of the game, bad action by Alba-Star

Which: DYN15.02.2024

The Towers remained without points until 7:24 minutes into the second quarter. By then they had hit two (!) of 22 throws. Rate: 9 percent! In addition, top scorer Aljami Durham had committed three fouls after just under four minutes and was practically out of the game. Barloschky took the first timeout at 5:19 – by then the game was almost lost.

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But the Towers fought!

As always, there was no problem with the attitude of the Hamburgers. Especially in the heated final quarter, the towers threw themselves at the eleven-time champions. They also showed one of the best defensive performances of the season. And after being 20 points behind (33:53) they came back to 66:68 (35th). But the initial mortgage was too big.

The best Berliner was Tim Schneider with 20 points. Worth mentioning from Hamburg’s perspective: league veteran Jonas Wohlfarth-Bottermann cracked the magical 2,000-point threshold in the 29th minute.

2024-04-18 07:29:06
#Alba #Berlin #disgusting #action #Khalifa #Koumadje #Sports


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