3rd Grade Students Embark on Historical and European Educational Journey in Alsace and Brussels

3rd Grade Students Embark on Historical and European Educational Journey in Alsace and Brussels

3rd grade students from the Roger-Ruel public college in Saint-Didier-en-Velay stayed in Aalsace Moselle with a visit to Brussels for a historical and European educational stay.

On the program: Strasbourg the parliament Little France its cathedral the ENA Vauban fortress; memorial of Alsace Moselle and old Armand with the trenches of the First World War; the Maginot Line with Fort Schoenbourg and the Struthof concentration camp; Brussels parliamentarium visit to the European Quarter and the Old Town; Nancy and its Place Stanislas are UNESCO heritage sites; Belfort technology park and Alsatian vineyards.

2024-04-13 08:17:55
#week #Alsace #Desiderian #schoolchildren


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