Valencia Astros Gear Up for a Strong 2024 Season: A Look at Their Squad, Strengths, and Objectives

The Valencia Astros have started the season with good feelings, adding two important victories against a team like CB Viladecans, a team that is always in the fight for the top positions. This good start guides the path of a Valencian team that this 2024 aims to wage war and fight for all the trophies and, above all, to do well in the Baseball European Cup that they will organize in 2024 for the first time. We spoke with them to learn more about this year’s project:

Squad update this 2024 season

This season we have had few casualties, only some players who did not have many opportunities last season and have not continued with us. As for the highs, We are very excited because young players from our lower sections are joining us and others who come to us through the collaboration with the “Exclusive Sports Center”, which three members of our club have created (Ricardo Hernández, Luis Galicia and Juan Manuel Morales).

Assessment of the 2024 squad

I think that this season we have a squad that brings together experience and youth, very balanced and versatile. We will have a more athletic team this season.

Team strengths

Above all, I would highlight the chemistry in the squad and the desire to do things well.

Aspects to work on this season

We must be able to avoid the “big innings” that our rivals achieved last season on several occasions and that hurt us in some games.

Objectives set for the 2024 season

We want to go game by game. Our main objective is to stay in the high positions of the classificationa fact that allows us to access the Copa del Rey and that we manage to reach the “Baseball European Cup” in the best conditions to compete, especially taking into account that we organize it in Valencia.

How have you prepared in the preseason?

This preseason we have participated in the Valencia Autonomous League, in addition to continuing to carry out continuous and increasing work in the training sessions.

Predictions for this season

We hope to have options to fight for the three competitions: League, Cup and Euro Cup.

And, finally, how do you see your most direct rivals?

Without a doubt, the top favorite to win it all is the Marlins, who have a very large squad that improves every year and stands out more and more than the rest of the SBL. On the other hand, Last year saw an evolution of young teams such as Béisbol Navarra, Sant Boi, Barcelona and Viladecans, which will surely continue their positive evolution. I think these teams can beat anyone because they are very well formed and directed and have very solid fundamentals. Of course, we must also consider San Inazio as one of the favorites to fight for the titles, they always have very solid squads.

The Astros baton

  • Favorite to raise the glass: Tenerife Marlins
  • More complicated equipment at home: Tenerife Marlins
  • Most complicated team outside: Tenerife Marlins
  • MVP of the season: Edison Valerio
  • Best hitter of the season: Edison Valerio
  • Best pitcher of the season: Jorge Balboa

If you work hard, with humility, trust and camaraderie, positive results are achieved.

Motto of the season, Valencia Astros

2024-03-17 00:02:00
#Astros #Valencia #stay #top #fight #Copa #del #Rey #Europe #Royal #Spanish #Baseball #Softball #Federation


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