Ulf Aron Withdraws from All Japan Championships: Focus on Tokyo Olympics

Wolf Aron stretches during practice
Photo By Sponichi

On the 8th, Ulf Aron (Park 24), a men’s judo 100kg class representative at the Paris Olympics, announced that he would not be participating in the All Japan Championships (April 29th, Nippon Budokan, Tokyo), which will compete to be the best in Japan in all weight divisions. As a result, he will also be absent from the Tokyo Metropolitan Championship (Tokyo Budokan) on the 17th of this month, which also serves as the qualifying round.

Wolf, a gold medalist at the 2021 Tokyo Olympics, won his first international championship since the Tokyo Olympics at last month’s Grand Slam (GS) in Paris, and was selected to represent Paris. At the press conference that followed, he announced that he would try again at the All Japan Championship, which he won in 2019, saying, “By going to throw against big players, we can also check the strength of the techniques.” Keiji Suzuki, the coach of the Japan men’s national team, expressed concern that this would hinder coordination. Trends were unclear.

On this day, Wolf, who participated in the Japan men’s national training camp being held at the Ajinomoto National Training Center in Kita-ku, Tokyo, said, “I won’t be participating.I thought about it until the last minute, but I thought about what was most important this year, and next year. “I decided to focus on the Olympics this year because I had a chance to do so.” He also announced that he will participate in two more international tournaments in the future in order to get a seed at the Olympics.

Adjustments are going well, including energetically performing randori during rehearsals. The next race is scheduled for the GS Antalya tournament at the end of this month (March 29-31, Turkey). “My weight is also maintained at 107 to 108 kg.The day after I eat something delicious, I eat something bad. “I’m making adjustments,” he said, also revealing his own weight control techniques.

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2024-03-08 07:30:06
#JudoWolf #Aron #announces #competing #Japan #Championship #thought #important #year #Focusing #Paris #Olympics #aiming #consecutive #victory #Sponichi #Sponichi #Annex #Sports


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