Title: Dani Alves Released from Prison After Sexual Assault Conviction: Celebrates with Family and Friends

Title: Dani Alves Released from Prison After Sexual Assault Conviction: Celebrates with Family and Friends

Dani Alves was convicted of an episode of sexual assault that occurred in a nightclub in Barcelona in December 2022

14 months and 5 days passed since January 20, 2023 for Dani Alves to be released from prison. The former footballer paid a bail of one million euros to be provisionally released as of this Monday, waiting for his sentence of four years and six months for sexually abusing a young woman to become firm and, for the moment, he remains confined in his personal home, located in the Spanish municipality of Esplugues de Llobregat.

The 40-year-old man left behind his detention at the beginning of last year after leaving the Brians 2 penitentiary center and, in the middle of a European afternoon, he headed home, where he did so accompanied by his lawyer, Inés Guardiola, although he also has the support of his loved ones because this Tuesday he held a party with a group of people that lasted until dawn on the occasion of the birthday of his father, Domingos Alves Da Silva.

The program Así es la vida, broadcast by the Telecinco network, provided all the details of the meeting, after his family chose to celebrate this special date in a restaurant in Barcelona and, later, they attended the former right back’s house, according to reflected the reporter of the television broadcast, who was at the address of the accused: “At night they came to this house, when there were almost no journalists left and they also celebrated it with Dani Alves.” In this sense, one of his TV colleagues, Makoke, stated in the magazine that they were partying “until 5 in the morning,” and that it was a “friends’ meeting.”

These are not the first visits received by Alves because he was also accompanied by two friends who were hooded and did not accept questions from the journalists stationed at the scene, according to the newspaper Sport. In addition, there are signs of the intention of wanting to leave his time in prison behind, but with limits because the celebrations are framed in the provisional freedom provided by Justice until the final resolution of his case. The Barcelona Court granted him this opportunity under the payment of bail, while he continues the appeals process.

One of the publications for the birthday of Dani Alves’s father

His official lawyer, Inés Guardiola, remarked: “I truly continue to believe in the innocence of Mr. Alves, Mr. Alves is whole, I am going to go this afternoon to see him and explain the sentence to him; I have not yet been able to study the sentence but I am announcing that we are going to appeal.”

The family conclave had been previewed by a photographer, who was outside the home, on El Gordo y la Flaca (broadcast from Miami for the entire Spanish-speaking public): “Tomorrow is dad’s birthday and They plan to celebrate it all together”. Accordingly, he said that his brothers were flying to Barcelona to meet him again.

The payment made to settle the money requested by Justice was a source of controversy in recent weeks because rumors suggested that Neymar Jr.’s father would assume the role of lender for the requested amount, but this person denied such help through a statement. In this sense, the lawyer, Montse Suárez, was interviewed on the Espejo Público program and explained how the Brazilian could have paid the bail: “It may be in cash, but They have not thought about the mansion that this person has that is worth 5 million eurosbecause this law also allows, in the absence of money, to be able to present a deed of your property and to be able, therefore, to challenge that provisional freedom.”

His release from the penitentiary included a series of gifts because the clothes and clothing sent by his relatives during his period behind bars were given to those who accompanied him for more than a year in prison. The winner of 43 titles throughout his sporting career remains expectant that the investigation will have a setback in his favor because the journalist Carlos Quílez in the program And now Sonsoles revealed what he said to a security agent who would have told him that I did not expect to see him again in prison: “I hope so too.”

It is worth remembering that Barcelona made a historic decision after confirming his conviction because it decided to remove him from a list of 102 legendary figures. This is what the Catalan newspaper Sport reflected: “Barça has made this symbolic act effective once the sentence for sexual assault has been final.”. He had played with this shirt a total of 408 matches in the more than eight seasons where he wore the Blaugrana shirt.

2024-03-27 23:23:40
#details #party #Dani #Alves #organized #hours #regaining #freedom #conviction #sexual #abuse


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