the reason is quite simple…

Summer is in 3 months and if you want to be able to take off the T-shirt with a certain confidence in yourself and in your summer body, Now is the time to stop getting cheap at the cantoche.

But let’s be honest for two seconds, a small percentage of you will manage to display a percentage of fat mass low enough to make the shock tiles “pop”.

The reason is simple, you do anything!

Coach Nassim knows this perfectly, he sees some huluberlus happening and that’s why he published this video which should be of public utility!

Let’s summarize (briefly) the most important points, because we have already talked about it at length and there is nothing new under the sun.

Abs are undertrained

Everyone wants them, no one does what it takes to get them, it’s the 6-pack joke!

Wakeup call :

abs are muscles like any other that need to be worked like any other, specifically, your big polyarticular exercises like the squat or deadlift are not enough : not even the goblet squat often titled by the non-specialized press as the best exercise for the abs (lol), a specific exercise must activate the primary function of the rectus abdominis (the 6 pack) via the flexion of the spine.

CR7 abs are ciao!

You see what we’re talking about, the series of 1,500 abs in the form of circuit training with a sequence of 17 exercises to be done every first Saturday of the month facing the full moon.

We forget, coach Nassim also reminds us that:

it is not because it burns your abs that it is effective in terms of hypertrophy (muscle development), these circuits are useless for burning calories (go running instead), no, despite the title popular YouTube videos, there is no localized fat loss effect.

In short, apart from working on your muscular endurance (useful for those who do combat sports for example), forget about long series, we want series with few repetitions (6-15) and load the mule (on and revive).

Less is more

Little bilinguals will already have understood the advice behind this title: limit the number of exercises.

For this, a very simple advice, plug in your brain and unplug TikTok!

Because there are thousands of ultra-effective trendy exercises on social networks… but in real life, 2-3 maximum are enough and we have already talked about it here: If you only have time to do ‘only one exercise for your abs: this is the best, claims Science.

Nassim for his part recommends:

And that’s absolutely it, good news no, no need to search from noon to two p.m.

So, have you taken notes?

“We’re not in the circus”, we’re stopping the antics, we’re working less, but more intelligently and we’ll have results this summer!

Last “little thing”, since we have said that the abs are muscles like any other, this implies that you work them like any other, with resistance and by applying the innovative concept (hello irony) of progressive overload.

If you don’t know, go to 10’00 of the video above.

Basically, if you want results this summer, take your little notebook and write down everything during your workouts, the exercises, the number of sets, repetitions and the loads used.

Advance those numbers and bingo!

Updated by Quentin on: 03/21/2024

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