The A Corua rally begins with the Coirs-Oza Cesuras section


The first times arrive

The first stages of the Coirs-Oza Cesuras section have arrived. The first to reach the finish line was Vctor Senra and he has already set the time to beat. The Dumbra pilot set a time of 6 minutes, 3 seconds and 9 tenths.

Behind him, Alberto Otero has scored 6.19.522, more than fifteen seconds behind Senra. After him, Iván Ares, in third position, with 6.22,187.


The A Corua rally begins

The 28th edition begins with the departure of the first pilots. This Coirs-Oza Cesures section is new compared to the other editions. Anyone who is cautious can be hindered, warned lvaro Muiz, organizer of the rally. The top favorites are now out, the three who have the World Rally Car: Vctor Senra, Ivn Ares and Alberto Otero.


The usual rally starts like never before


The youngest driver in the rally


Interview with the organizer of the A Corua rally


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As of now

The first round of the Galician Championship begins in half an hour. The first section will begin at 08:30 and the last and decisive section will begin at 20:22. The rally will consist of a route of four timed sections with a double pass that will complete almost ninety kilometers.

The twenty-eighth edition of the A Corua rally begins. This will be the first of the eleven events of the Galician Championship, from which the first provisional leader of the autonomous community will emerge and which will consist of eight timed sections with emblematic points such as the Aranga bridge or the Boedo roundabout, and novelties such as the Coirs-Oza start caesuras.

2024-03-16 07:41:00
#Corua #rally #begins #CoirsOza #Cesuras #section


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